PERA Newsletter - April 2024

Latest updates from the Piccadilly East Residents' Association

1. Updates from PERA and PERA Committee

  • We're delighted to inform you that we have received full official recognition by Capital & Centric. Thank you to everyone that helped support this.

  • We continued to work as a link between residents and Capital & Centric and Urban Bubble to raise concerns and help resolve issues; though the lack of attention to matters by Urban Bubble and blaming it on available funds is disappointing especially considering that they are masters of their own destiny. Because of their inability to produce correct bills a number of residents have withheld payment, which of course we understand but don't recommend.

  • We've continued working with Nicky Barber and Howard from Capital & Centric to resolve resident's snags; we recommend that if you haven't heard about an update on your logged snags then contact Nicky by email

  • David and Dean attended afternoon tea with the Lord Mayor of Manchester, representing the Association. It was a great event, and some really good connections were made.

  • Four bins, supported by a grant from Manchester City Council, are now in place along Baird Street and Chapeltown Street, and we're already seeing a marked difference in reduced litter.

  • The book club continues well and we're on with organising our next meet-up in June.

  • We've started a gardening group with 20+ members already, and aiming to take over the watering of boxes as well as keeping the gardens well maintained.

  • We're working with the City Council and our local Councillors to secure the use of the green space on Baird Street and Sheffield Street.

  • We're working with Councillor Jon-Connor Lyons to help set up a federation of residents' associations across the town centre to share knowledge.

  • If you are interested in joining in any of these clubs and events, please email with your name and telephone number and we will add you to the relevant WhatsApp group for updates and info on future occurrences.

Next PERA meeting (AGM): 29th May, Cloudwater Taproom, 7:30pm A list of all future meetings can be seeen here

David and Dean attended afternoon tea with the Lord Mayor of Manchester

2. How to join

  • Welcome to our new members; membership is currently free and we stand at 136 flats out of a possible 197
  • We work to give a voice to residents on issues that matter to them
  • Please do encourage your friends who are not members to join
  • Register for PERA membership here

3. Late Spring Social - 1st June 2024

We're going to hold a late Spring gathering in the courtyard. We've booked out the BBQs from 12noon until 3pm for you to bring your own food and drink and enjoy a social gathering with fellow residents. More details and reminders nearer the time!

4. Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the first Annual General Meeting of Piccadilly East Residents' Association shall take place at 7:30pm Cloudwater Tap Room (downstairs) to transact the following business:

  • Receive apologies
  • Approve the minutes of the inaugural meeting
  • Receive the report of the committee
  • Receive the accounts
  • Appoint an independent auditor/inspector
  • Elect the committee for the ensuing year
  • Consider any resolutions put forward by members
  • Vote on an amendment to the Constitution

Full details of the AGM can be found here

We do hope that you can join us for this important event, and we'll be providing free pizza to help make the evening enjoyable!

5. Gardens

Crusader and Phoenix residents in front of the garden

The gardening group has been formed and already we have 25 members. With a window of warm weather we took to the courtyard and started clearing the dead leaves and plants. After a good 90 minutes we'd filled 5 bin bags full of rubbish and made a good start on keeping on top of the gardens.

From 7th May we take on the watering the plant boxes on the cloisters in Crusader which will save us a lot of money.

If you'd like to be involved please do drop us an email (details below) and we'll add you to the WhatsApp group.

6. Snagging

We reported recently that there's a renewed approach by Capital & Centric to snagging and dealing with snags that were lodged within the two year window following practical completion. We'd like to know how you're getting on with the resolution of your snags. Please do drop us an email with feedback so that we can continue to monitor progress.

7. Updating your details

In order to ensure that membership details are correct we're asking you to let us know if you're no longer a leaseholder at Crusader of Phoenix by dropping us an email to